Trigger point therapy is a type of self applied massage therapy targeting areas of the muscles that have contracted and formed small, fibrous nodules that are tender to the touch, sometimes referred to as “knots.” Pressing on these points can also produce pain in other areas, sometimes quite a distance from the point of origin. This is called “referred pain.”​
Unlike other types of massage that may involve the whole body, trigger point massage focuses on these specific areas by applying isolated pressure on the point, followed by release.
Doctors who specialize in pain treatment suggest that trigger points are the primary cause for about 75 percent of chronic pain cases.​​
No one can ever have the connection with your pain that you have. You know exactly where it hurts and how much it hurts.
You direct control over your treatment.
You should experience a pleasant kind of pain you can still relax into when you are massaging.
You Can Overdo It! This Is deep tissue massage and you can bruise and intensify pain for a day or two if your are overenthusiastic. Ice if you feel like you did and be kinder to yourself next time.
That being said, it's more effective to do a little bit, more often than trying to iron it right out. Commit to 3 days of every day I bet you will feel the difference!
You decide how often you need it once your pain has reduced for maintenance.
Relieve Pain & Stress • Unwind Knots •
Relax Strained Muscles
Trigger points are know to cause headaches, neck and jaw pain, low back and hip pain, the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, plantar fasciitis, frozen shoulder, sciatica, IT band syndrome,​ and many kinds of joint pain. Trigger points cause problems as divers as earaches, dizziness, nausea, tennis elbow, and bursitis.​
The problems trigger points cause can be surprisingly easy to fix; in fact most people can do it themselves if they are shown how. It is time to take healing into your own hands.
If you have struggled with chronic pain without finding relief, you will learn easy, reliable skills that offer real, lasting relief without drugs or costly medical bills. ​