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Alchemical Healing Courses

In Person And Online

Read Why Alchemical Healing? here and receive a
$100 discount when your register before Sep 1st 2024

There is a depth of connection and Majik that happens when we completely immerse ourselves in these teachings and stay in them together.  

All instruction and practice with others will be done during class time.


In person courses run over one weekend with 15 hours of class time:

Fri 6-9pm, Sat 9:30am-8:00pm, Sun 9:30am-4:30pm

We will take frequent 15min breaks and give 1hr for meal breaks.


Online courses run once a week with 15 hours of class time:

5 x 3hr classes

Practice will be done with break out rooms with a teacher available for questions and guidance. If you miss a class you must watch the recording before participating in the next one.

Online classes will be recorded and available after for 3 months.


Registration fee is $555 CA.

You can book your spot with a deposit $155. 

Balance of $400 is due on or before the first day of class. Payment plans available. 


Level One


Five 3 hour classes

Every Wednesday

7:00 -10:00pm EST

4:00 - 7:00pm PST

Nov 6th - Dec 4th 2024​

Book Your Spot


Level Two


After a break to integrate Level 1

A symbol in the shape of an egg, filled with dark purple and cosmic stars.jpg

Level Three


After a break to integrate Level 2

If you are interested in hosting an Alchemical Course please contact Nik to discuss

Course Content

Alchemical Healing
Level 1


This comprehensive healing course combines diverse and innovative techniques that are practical and applicable in today's world for physical healing and therapeutic counseling. All people desiring self healing and increasing their capacity to heal others will find this a powerful and transformative experience. You will learn a powerful healing form that allows you to access the Universal Life force energy and develop a working relationship with spirit allies from the animal, plant, and mineral realms.


Level I Classes Include:


  • Introduction to Thoth and Fire Mist Shower Empowerment to Instantly Access Universal Life Force Energy

  •  Opening of the hands and third eye

  • Using your hands to feel a person's energy field and distinguish states of health and dissonance

  • X-ray Vision

  • Learn safe techniques for clearing pain, trauma, illness & emotional blocks

  • Work energetically with plants and animal totems for healing

  • Safely Access and work with Spirit Allies, Guides and Totems

  • Distance Healing

  • Forgiveness as an Alchemical Process

  • Other Therapeutic Processes 

Alchemical Healing
Level 2


This class is open to students who have taken Alchemical Healing level I and want to learn more and practice this powerful healing form on deeper levels. We will explore Akashic healing and other techniques and initiations.


Level II Classes Include:


  • Caduceus Empowerment

  • More on Power animals and guides

  • Elemental Initiation and healing

  • Introduction to healing techniques using Akasha

  • Electromagnetic current initiation

  • time to practice new skills with others

Alchemical Healing
Level 3

A symbol in the shape of an egg, filled with dark purple and cosmic stars.jpg

This class is open to students who have taken Alchemical Healing levels I and II and want to learn more and practice this powerful healing form on deeper levels. We will explore advanced shamanic practices and other techniques and initiations.


Level III Classes Include:


  • Advanced Shamanic and Alchemical Healing practices

  • Including the sucking cure and timeline work with Akasha

  • Wisdom of the Heart 

  • Avolokitesvara empowerment

  • Planetary Healing Practices

  • Sound in Healing

  • Time to practice new skills with others


Alchemical Healing by Nicki Scully

* It is advised that you read Alchemical Healing in preparation for the class but no need to do the initiations, they will be done in class.

Book Your Spot

Please Note:  The fee is purchased in Canadian currency but will automatically be charged with the exchange rate at the time of purchase, in your currency, if you are joining us from outside of Canada.

If you are joining us from the USA you could use the following pay buttons that are set up in USD

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